..badduck is nick fairbank is badduck..

nick fairbank, & badduck, are based in ottawa, canada, but we work with clients globally
we provide multi-disciplinary visual & graphic design services for print & web.. graphic design for all types of branding & marketing materials.. we’ve spent the last eighteen years specialising in financial industry marketing material & account forms
we also do photography: landscapes & scenics from around the world.. 17 countries on 5 continents (so far)
branding & identity
from logo design to colour choices to full branding, we can help you define a unique identity.
design & illustration
working with the latest adobe cs suite, we can design & create new material layouts to your requirements or integrate with your existing design guidelines.
we have experience with an extensive range of materials for both print & web
multi-page brochures & quarterly / annual reports, magazine & newspaper adverts, flyers, posters, factsheets, business cards, web page layout, web elements, flash banners.. & most things in between.
promotional & exhibition materials
incorporating your brand onto promotional items & exhibition installations probably only limited by your imagination.
we can supply you print ready files as required or source your printed materials according to budget.
purchase & supply of stock images for use in your materials. alternatively, we have a large existing library of landscape & scenic images should you wish for something a little less “stock”.
we are looking to provide a bespoke photography offering in house soon.
image restoration & digital processing
restoration work including cleaning, retouching, re-colouring & manipulation of digital images, direct from digital source or from scan of negative, transparency (slide) or print. high resolution scans of negatives & transparencies at 7200dpi. conversion of colour images to black & white, sepia, duotone or colour space conversion (rgb to cmyk & vice versa). resizing of images.
we’re happy to discuss any other ways we can assist you, from sourcing hosts for your website to implementing word press themes. we’ll even talk to you about ms powerpoint & word, and have experience with ms access & other databases.
for the materials we produce, we can supply you .indd, .ai or .eps source files for CC (latest versions), or .idml files where necessary, print or web ready .pdf files, or images in whatever resolution & format you need.
site copyright badduck. all rights reserved
all images copyright nicholas fairbank, unless otherwise noted. all rights reserved
no form of reproduction, copying or saving of digital image files, or the alteration or manipulation of said image files, is authorised without the express prior written permission of nicholas fairbank, badduck, or an authorised representative of either. for information regarding commercial licensing or personal uses of images, please contact nicholas fairbank
badduck is registered in ontario, canada, BIN 301437372 | GST/HST #78923 0141 RT0001